Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Jabbawockeez Inspired

I always pass by on this store in Glorietta mall going to work. I love looking on their mannequins because I remembered the Jabbawockeez. Why? Because their mannequins was wearing masks with blue and red colors. We all know that Jabbawockeez was known for wearing masks so what comes to my mind was maybe their theme was inspired by the Jabbas. I decided to take a picture of it, but while I’m taking pictures the saleslady told me that it was not allowed to take a pictures. I just said “Ah okay” but I realized why is that I’m not allowed to take pictures? First, there’s no sign that saying that taking pictures is not allowed. Second, foreigners were taking pictures but their not stopping them while me a Filipino told me to stop. Third, they display it there and people saw it, they did that idea to call the attention of the people. But although they stopped me I still have the pictures.

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